Friday, August 13, 2010

Lucky by: Alice Sebold

Review: This book is based upon a life changing traumatic experience, but after you get past the horrible incident it becomes quite dull.  I feel awful for what this woman experienced, no one should have to go through that.  The true story of a rape that took place near the Syracuse University campus was what prompted me to pick up the book.  It did make me realize how long and strenuous the after math of a rape can be, especially for the rare few who want to convict their attacker. But the long drawn out way it was written was hard to get through.  I felt that there was a lot of unnecessary parts about the detailed legal aspects, which caused me to lose interest. Kind of like reading the dull parts to Law & Order: SVU.  It was still a decent real look into how someone copes when something life changing and horrible happens.  I will always remember this book.

Synopsis:  A young college girl is raped on her walk back home one night.  She eventually sees her rapist on street near the school and he is finally apprehended.  The book then details the legal process. Also the horrible ordeal this girl was put through as well as her healing process. As it may be expected, she has issues with men after;  she also has an issue with drugs. She appears overcomes them and write this memoir of her experience.

Rating: 6

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