Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Hobbit by: JRR Tolkien

Review:     An enchanting precursor to the Lord of the Rings.  This book captivates the reader from the start, the adventure begins almost immediately and doesn't relent until the end.   It is a fast read and  written for a younger crowd, but all ages will appreciate it. 

Synopsis:   Bilbo Baggins is quiet, respectable hobbit minding his own business in the Shire when he greets an old man walking past his house.  This old man is a wizard named Gandalf the Grey, and Gandalf deems that Bilbo is to be the fourteenth person for an adventure.  Bilbo has no idea of the wizards plans until the next day thirteen dwarves show up on his doorstep.  The dwarves tell a tale of an old city, gold, and a dragon.  The next day they set off to slay the dragon and take back their treasure.  The road is perilous, especially for a hobbit used to more than just three square meals a day and a cozy bed every night.  Bilbo and the dwarves face trolls, goblins, elves, and other terrible creatures on their way to face the great dragon, Smaug.

Rating: 10

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